Safety tips

Throwing can be dangerous for bystanders (other athletes, parents, coaches and officials). It’s important that everyone works together to avoid potentially serious injuries.

The following safety rules help you and others stay safe.

  1. Always check that people in the ‘hit area’ (the throws sector and the area where the discus could potentially land) are watching you before you start your throw. Ideally the hit area should be clear of people.
  2. People standing in the vicinity of the circle must be behind the throws cage. Many throws cages have holes in the netting – so make sure bystanders are not in danger of being hit by a deflected discus.
  3. All throw – all collect. Athletes only pick up their implements from the field once all athletes have thrown.
  4. Athletes must carry (not throw) their implements back to the circle. If other people collect implements, they too must carry them back to the circle.